Medication to treat ADHD og ADD in children and young people
This page is about medications. The site is aimed at parents of children diagnosed with ADHD or ADD. It may also be relevant for young people with ADHD or ADD.
Here you can read about the treatment of ADHD and ADD with medication.
On our site about ADHD and ADD in children and young people you can read about other forms of treatment. Here you can also read about symptoms of ADHD and ADD and find helpful advice for both children and their parents.
What is ADHD and ADD?
About ADHD medication
Treatment with ADHD medication has been known for at least 50 years, and our knowledge in this field has increased considerably in the last few decades. Many studies have been conducted on the use of ADHD medication in children and young people, and we therefore know a lot about the effect and side effects of ADHD medication. Also, new medications have been introduced over the years, which allows us to tailor the treatment more specifically to the needs of the individual child.
The medication is not a cure, but it can alleviate some of the child’s challenges. Overall, we can say that ADHD medication – combined with pedagogical measures – is a highly effective treatment. It is also worth noting that that no serious long-term side effects have been seen from the treatment.
As more side effects and often poorer efficacy are seen in very young children, the Danish Health Authority generally does not recommend ADHD medication for preschoolers (0-6 years).
Which medication works best differs greatly from child to child as do any side effects and consequently which medication is best suited for the individual child. Therefore, it may take some time to find the medication that is best suited for the individual child.
Differences are seen in:
- Which medication works best for the individual child. How well the child tolerates the medication (side effects).
- How quickly the medication is metabolised in the body, and thus how quickly the effect is achieved and how long it lasts.
- The size of the doses needed.
- For how much of the day the child needs to be medicated.
Ordering medicine
While your child is undergoing medical treatment at the Child and Youth Psychiatric Centre, you can order new medication on the website (
When ordering, you must state:
- Name, date and year of birth of the child/young person
- Name of the medication and dose
- How many months you need medication for (max. 3)
- Where you want to pick up the medication if it is not picked up at the pharmacy.
In the subject field, write ‘Medicine’. Order at least seven days before the medication runs out.
Medicine shortages
Medicine shortages may occur. This means that some pharmacies do not have certain medications in stock. You may like to download the app Apoteket. Here you can always see current prescriptions as well as the pharmacies that have the medications in stock.
Many children and young people benefit from taking ADHD medication. It is important that the treatment is combined with pedagogical measures and close follow-up to assess the efficacy and any side effects of the medication. It is also important to regularly follow up on whether the treatment should be adjusted or whether your child may be able to cope without medication at some point.